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Awaken the Divine is the program within FreedomHill Fellowship that supports the Creed of the Fellowship's commitment to individual spiritual growth. Specifically the tenants of:


We believe in the free and responsible search for 

personal truth and meaning.


We believe in the inherent worth and dignity 

of every human being.


We believe in the formation of a spiritual organization 

that embraces diversity of thought and belief 

while providing for its membership a 

supportive and stimulating community. 



Awaken the Divine

About Us


The mission of Awaken The Divine is to provide the resources necessary for each soul to reach its highest potential in this lifetime.  

These resources are available in the form of consultations, classes, events, and contact information.  If you have a specific issue that you do not see addressed on this website, please email us at

We make every effort to update this part of the website on a regular basis, so we encourage you to check the various subpages for ever changing opportunities.



For legal purposes, we must state that by having a clearing, consultation, or healing you understand and agree that Awaken the Divine, FreedomHill Fellowship, and/or any of its employees or volunteers are not responsible or accountable for any actions that you may take in response to any clearing, consultation, or healing session.  That any decisions that you make resulting from a clearing, consultation, or healing are yours and yours alone.  Finally, it is important that you completely understand that the clearing, consultation, or healing are for entertainment purposes only.


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